Friday, February 20, 2009

Am having my veggies

I read a note written by a friend on FB about God's choice meals. It got me thinking... so am thinking out loud now.

I remember when I was a kid, really weeny, I used to wonder how life would be when I became all grown up, if I ever got all grown up. Some times, the image of an adult me was... sort of foogy... I couldnt see pass 2 or 3 years, max, 5 years was all my little mind could picture. Now I am all grown up and the fantasy has become an every day reality. But I still I have dreams. This time, I can see into 10, 15, 20 years of my life. And now, waiting is a lot harder! When i had nothing to see, nothing to whet my appetite, I had little worries, little to fret or worry about. Now I worry cos He gave me dreams to drive me. Funny, right? I mean, He is the One who gives me (both births and brings to pass) the desires of my heart. Why then do I worry? Well, I didnt eat too much of my veggies as a kid. Now I am suffering from "under-nutrition"!

God often times watches us with an indulgent smile. Afterall, there would be dessert after the meal... You would always get the ice cream you so longingly crave for! And you shopuldnt have too much of it too, cos, you would be hung over the next morning (blve me, I hav suffered from over doseof sugar, many, many times!) I do not think God saves the best for the last. I do not believe He witholds from us. But sometimes, we need to grow. We need to eat the veggies, relish the taste and flavour of rich brocolli and cabbage. Then we can reccommend healthy living to another person. But most times, we do not see beyond the box of chocs. Like me at 5, we long for what we already have the right to. It just only comes after the meal. And then, with a tummy full of creamed veggies and seasoned grains, we can eat all the sweets we want and not puke on it. If only we would appreciate the veggies on our plate!

Right now, I have a vegfull diet. I know, its so not fun! But I am loving where I am, on the way to where I am going. I do not sweat the small stuff. Like a prudent and business savvy steward, I am making all the contacts I need here for where it's @! And I am soooo close! I can feel it! I can see the first traces of all the completeness my heart craves. This time, I aint chockin on it. I ahve enuuf veggies to keep me strong. My diet's balanced, afterall!

Gtg now, more on veggies later... and some on oreos too!



Anonymous said...

vegful diet.... wow... takes a ot of discipline to stick with that tho!

lil' spider said...

yep. but the thing is, it makes for healthy refreshing living. am stuck on me veggies right now, cos i am soooo waiting for dessert! and from what i hear, wen i take time to eat the broccolli, i get to make morte space for the ice cream and sweets! yum!

Anonymous said...

"I aint chockin on it. I have enuuf veggies to keep me strong."

I so love, yeah, for everything we go through (unpleasant or otherwise) there is always a lesson to learn. We would certainly be worse off if we learn them not per time.