Monday, February 16, 2009

Taking chances

Every day comes with the opportunity to be a better person. Have stronger ideals, make wiser choices. Every opportunity comes with a choice to move on up or go slowly down to where anger and regret often consumate. In all of these things, we make right or wrong choices. Sometimes, a right choice might be taking a wrong turn on the pathway leading to anarchy, sometimes, it might be what we all know to be right. But whichever way leads to to the right path, its all about taking chances.

In this world we all reside, everyone's witing to see what every one else is up to doing. I want to blend in so I do not rouse too much interest and consequently critisism. That way, I put less at risk, and unfortunately, lose more. Life is about risks, and like finance, the higher the risk, the higher the potential for returns. So when I try harder and reach farther than I have seen anyone reach, I look like I am puttin more of the little I have at risk. But the truth is, when I risk all, I have less than all to lose.

So, taking chances, on life, on love, on God. What is it that if you had the wherewithal for security, you would go for? If life offered you a coushin for all your falls, what are the things you will try as many times as possible till you got it right? Those are the things your heart trully desires. those are the things you were made for. I can tell you mine.

I want to reach the world with my gifts. A song, a poem, a lyric, a verse. I want to be the best anlyst in my generation. I want to come up with practical workable solutions to the economic problems in Africa. I want to have a vibrant ministry, touch lives withthe same hands that touched mine. I want to reach the sick in heart and spirit, help the one who feels hopeless. Be a voice to him that cannot speak, for fear or worse, for the loss of the ability to voice opinion, help him find his own voice that he may so do for others. I want to fall in love. Hard and string and forever. I want to have a family that loves me as I try to love them more each day.I want to love passioantely and fiercely, and if it means wearing my heart on trimmed sleeves, I will.

Take a chance. Carpe diem!

1 comment:

yemsy said...

I love the third paragraph.
the whole is well said.