Monday, February 23, 2009

When love...

I like two word titles, ehen?

I read an update on a blog last night and it really saddened me. it reminded me again of harder times gone past. When love hurts, it hurts real bad. Two people have their paradigms meet in what appears to be a random act in time. Then, nothing is so random anymore... the short text to find out how you are doing, the quick call just to check on you... all that thoughtful and sacrificial giving. It's no more because it just happened, neither is it some crooked way of getting into your good books. It's simply because if that part of me does not touch that part of you, I would feel incomplete. Satisfied with all the good and precious gifts in my life, but wanting you like you were the crown on the top of my bejeweled head.

I have randomly discussed love and all the angles I have seen. At sometimes, it has been the object of my careful inquiry because of the many contradictions I have been. In love, or maybe not... Anyhoo, I have given up on trying to fight. But I have not relented in my escape. I will not come to you, even if it takes all the strength in me to refuse the urge. I do not care to think of what will do if you dare to come for me, again...? I fear you won't, so I will not hope or wait for what I do not perceive as reality. I think I loved you from the moment I set my eyes on you. Not that you were so comely or your looks divine. Something about you spoke loudly to me. And it marked me, since then. I love you so much; it hurts to think about it. Like a seeping sore, you invade every page, leaving your not too pleasant mark around, the mark of what I cannot have that daily haunts me. The knowledge of you is like a spell. Each time I am within range, I become your captive. Distance could not save me, help it may, but it appears I am forever a slave??

These crazy thought run through my mind when I think on you. Many more times than Paul, I have pleaded that this goes away. And much more times, He has said, My grace is sufficient for you...

So I want you, and my heart needs you to say you are mine. But you are not, neither do you yet belong to another. To wait is to rot in this hapless state of wonder. So, go I must. Far away from where you are, or where thoughts of you randomly seep through... my high defenses and my sensible shutters. Go away from me! Do not proposition me with you ingenious scams! I will not be taken again! I am not yours to have or keep!

Little things

Its 9.00pm and I happen to be at home (strange event), but rather than sleep, \i am typing this. Funny thing is, it wont be up till tommorrow... Read up on some blogs I folow (miss jones, goodnaijagirl, dairyofalostone...) and couldnt help having a fantastic time. I love blogging, okay maybe, I love reading other people's thoughts more. But whatever it is, I have found joy in something. That is the moral of today's philosophy.

Many people go through life missing out on the real essense of living. You are here to mark the earth, put your print in the sands of time, take your pick, foot or hand or mouth. Whatever it is, you uare meant to do it in a special way, the you way. That is the way that no one else can ever do it - painting, writing, blogging, consulting, marketting, advocacy, whatever! Ussually, when we hear stuff like this, our minds go to the big stuff - saving Darfur! Touring the world! Winning Wilmbeldon! Writing a world changing thesis! We seldom forget that the folks who have achieved any of these things started with the small things. I am going a bit ahead of myself here...

Little things, when summed up together nicely, make the big stuff. So to get the big things done,you have to start with the little things. And cos they are little, folks ussually dont enjoy being involved with small stuff, except ofcourse they find pleasure in them. Which is the point of my long epistle, by the way. Enjoying the small things. Like writing on this blog (yes, you too can drop your comment), like reading another's blog (ok, you are doing that already), like taiing time to appreciate the precious free gifts in life, like luaghing at the silliest things, like writing a thorough report for your boss 9for this one, you have to start from loving your job!), like saving some time to be human in this crazy world!

The truth is, there aint no big thing any where! Sorry to burst your bubble, but the big stuff are thos little stuff that got people's attention or changed the world. Einstein's discoveries must have been to him, little stuff he loved to play with. Look what its become todat...

Summary? Take pleasure inn something. Start by finding out what you love, then do it with all your heart, then get better at doing it, then sit back, relax, and watch it grow. Eeeerrrmmm... while you wait,.... find something else to do!


Friday, February 20, 2009

Am having my veggies

I read a note written by a friend on FB about God's choice meals. It got me thinking... so am thinking out loud now.

I remember when I was a kid, really weeny, I used to wonder how life would be when I became all grown up, if I ever got all grown up. Some times, the image of an adult me was... sort of foogy... I couldnt see pass 2 or 3 years, max, 5 years was all my little mind could picture. Now I am all grown up and the fantasy has become an every day reality. But I still I have dreams. This time, I can see into 10, 15, 20 years of my life. And now, waiting is a lot harder! When i had nothing to see, nothing to whet my appetite, I had little worries, little to fret or worry about. Now I worry cos He gave me dreams to drive me. Funny, right? I mean, He is the One who gives me (both births and brings to pass) the desires of my heart. Why then do I worry? Well, I didnt eat too much of my veggies as a kid. Now I am suffering from "under-nutrition"!

God often times watches us with an indulgent smile. Afterall, there would be dessert after the meal... You would always get the ice cream you so longingly crave for! And you shopuldnt have too much of it too, cos, you would be hung over the next morning (blve me, I hav suffered from over doseof sugar, many, many times!) I do not think God saves the best for the last. I do not believe He witholds from us. But sometimes, we need to grow. We need to eat the veggies, relish the taste and flavour of rich brocolli and cabbage. Then we can reccommend healthy living to another person. But most times, we do not see beyond the box of chocs. Like me at 5, we long for what we already have the right to. It just only comes after the meal. And then, with a tummy full of creamed veggies and seasoned grains, we can eat all the sweets we want and not puke on it. If only we would appreciate the veggies on our plate!

Right now, I have a vegfull diet. I know, its so not fun! But I am loving where I am, on the way to where I am going. I do not sweat the small stuff. Like a prudent and business savvy steward, I am making all the contacts I need here for where it's @! And I am soooo close! I can feel it! I can see the first traces of all the completeness my heart craves. This time, I aint chockin on it. I ahve enuuf veggies to keep me strong. My diet's balanced, afterall!

Gtg now, more on veggies later... and some on oreos too!


Shoe et al...

maybe shoes, maybe not. i hav a lot goin rite now and i'm really wondering if blogville is the place to share. maybe maybe not.

i work withthis firm that made some profit last year and when it was time to pay bonus, they... okay, i won't say it. as if that werent enough i am playing "stuck-in-the-middle" with my boss and his brother! somebody save me from capital punishment!!

Anyhoo, its good to be hear again. If u r reading this, then u r a fellow blogger or maybe u r considering it. if u blogville constantly, u would understand the feeling that comes with having a place where you can hear ur voice, free from echos and contrasting gingles. that's what this does for me. and more, i a mdiscovering myself. and i am soooo loving the attention (when i get it) so maybe blogging is panacea for a turtored soul, make that tortured creative soul whatever it is, i am loving it.

so, beofre i get into the morose melancholic blogging mode, i ouuta here. will be back with some more philosophical, and entertaining bit l8r on!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I love shoes! What do you love?

Okay, so I went a bit overboard this morning and over did the shoe thing... but I am yet to experience any thing as joyous as the sight of perfect shoes. You know when you see 'the' shoes and you just know you are it! Be it the last penny in your purse... the rest like they say, is herstory!

So, I love shoes, then what? Men love their cars, even call them "baby". I love my shoes and I still call him baby! hhhmmmppphhh!! Ingratitude! Anyways, it took me a while to figure out my obsession for foot wear. Believe me, I just thought I was extra observant about what people wear. And like everything you notice, you are quick to find fault. I would meet a guy, say, I call him Niran, and the first thing I would look at would be his shoes. Good grief! If he didn't get that right, it was like starting his GPA on a 1.5! Then I heard all the long lectures on how its about content and not the container and how not to judge a book by its cover... So I checked it in. Suddenly I woke up one morning to discover I had twenty something pairs of shoes (maybe not all correct, sha)! And like the cat that I am, I had to inquire upon this strange phenomena! And I discovered, I love shoes!!!!

Okay, enough already, cant philosophise everything, can I?


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No foreplay

I copied this rom a guy I do not know (he's a friend's friend on FB) and I have to apologise, I did this before getting permission to. While I agree that it reeks of contained anger, probably from having to say this over and over again to the same woman to no end, it has all the truth and allure ai as a woman need. So, I felt some of my sisters would be better of readingthis. So here goes the most fantastic read of all times on ... you guessed ... relationship! Have at it!!

"Lets leave out the 'foreplay' for a change and get straight to the point. . Tired of getting tips from those "how-to-be-better-at-loving-her" type of articles, which I find helpful but usually leave me wondering if there are "how-to-be-better-at-loving-him" 'counterparts' to compliment them?

I've compiled a list of important things I feel the lady folk should know hoping they would read and pick some pointers from it instead of indulging in craming and trashing out with their friends, articles written for guys for ther own benefit, after they've scrutinized them thoroughly to find out if the author has expressed their personal views.

I speak for myself in the list but I'm very sure my voice stands for a majority of men all around the world, most of whom have already given up on ever having a relationship that's better than the average Joes'.

Please pay attention; I'm positive you will learn a thing or more that'l help you become "Miss Right" while waiting for "Mr. Right" from the points mentioned below.

1. Fix me a special meal sometimes, preferably something unconventional. This tells me you get highly creative when U think about me and creativity is facinating. Ps: Don't freak out if I'm more interested in you than I seem to be in the food cos U probably flattered my appetite away.

2. Give me a proper pedicure and manicure. You could either do it yourself, which I'd prefer, or take me where you get yours done and pay to have mine done. Trust me, with the right approach and attitude, this could be as satisfying as a blow job, and it beats telling me "you need a pedicure;" Like I didn't know I do!

3. Offer to iron something for me, especially when its something I need to use urgently and time's against me, the pleasure from this is so much more when you show some enthusiasm while doing it. It could be my shirt, trouser or even my handkerchief.

4.As much as you honestly can, try to get along with my mum, and the rest of my, perhaps, soon to be 'former family,' (even those I don't get along with). She's the only known epitome of faithfulness to me from birth, and the two of you getting along makes me feel like you were 'the' perfect find of the same kind. Don't patronize them, just be yourself. I know how difficult this could be but you genuine efforts will not go unnoticed or unrewarded. Leave the 'Irish diplomacy' to me. I know them better.

5. I appreciate your tears and value each drop more than either of us can understand. You could fake a thousand orgasms and I wouldn't know unless you told me, but fake being hurt by crying crocs and I'll definately figure you out. To surmarise this point, just don't use your knowledge of my weaknesses for you to manipulate me... ever. I'm not weak because you are strong, I'm weak because it feels good to be so for you so I let myself be so, and in my weakness all I need is the security of trust.

6.Do not underestimante the power of words with a personal touch. "I like cooking" or "I like dressing up" don't mean much to me when you say so; those are just words; but "I like cooking 'for you'," and "I like dressing up 'for you'," just like "I enjoy being kissed 'by you'," are experiences beyond words that make me want to buy you that Pair of Gucci shoes and matching bag you wanted for Christmas, now. Talk to me personally, sweet talk me like I do you; make love to my ego.

7. There's a strongly bonding and deeply satisfying feeling I get from the knowing you'll let me run my hands through your hair and scatter it without you freaking out, even if its when you've just come back from getting it styled. "Hell no?" i thougt as much but I guess that's why I want to; I guess its because your hair is most often, kind of like 'private territory' and having me 'intrude' without querry makes me feel like a V.I.P; and to be fair, I probably wouldn't make a regualr habit of it once I know It's 'painfully' okay with you... maybe once in every quarter of the year. lol!

8. I know you enjoy shopping, especially when I'm paying; I enjoy it to, even when I pay. Did you know your shopping can be as pleasurable for me & my pocket as it is for you when, from time to time, you remember to at least get me something, especially if it's something I need or will find useful. "Oh yes;" Focusing on 'needs' before 'wants' and maximizing our resources as you shop gives me a certain sense of peace and security that I'm with the right person too.

9. Yes I like boobs and I like ass and all the other distinctly outlined contours on your 'facinating' body, but when you, in the name of vogue or couture, put them on display and every Tom, Dick and Okoro out there (who like me, have developed 'x-ray' vision enough to see through a nun's straight frocks) ogles at you, the only thing you achieve is making your 'goods' more visible & attractive to them and less so to me. Please, by all means, show respect for yourself and regard for me in the way you dress, leave the naughty stuff for when we're alone.

10. Be rational, or at least try to be. As much as I like attending shows and concerts with you when your favorite male artist is performing, indiscreetly verbalizing or revealing in any other way whatsoever, how much you 'love' him, his voice or his performance makes me feel exactly how you would if I took you to say, a strip club and wouldn't shut up about how much I enjoyed how the strippers' supple hips swayed in rhythm to her peppy boobs.

11. Talk to me... Please! I'm not psychic yet but if we work towards effective communication now, with time, I'll have become as specialized a psychic for you as you've always desired. I enjoy getting pointers and feedback from you; they help me understand you better and love you with more ease.Ps: when you nag, ALL I hear is "I think you're a dumb idiot." That doesnt help.

12. Get comfortable with your body. Without it I wouldn't have noticed you; or that something about it I paricularly like with special interest, which more than covers adequately for the less than perfect bit(s) I probably don't even notice. if I wasnt comfortable with the way you looked, I wouldnt have approached you in the first place. If you don't believe me when I say "you're a complete package of all I desire," one of us might along the line wander off the road to infidelity, and don't be surprised if its you.

13. Wake up to the fact that I will always have other passions that have absolutely nothing to do with you or your kind; football, Martial arts or car racing for example. They're part of what make me me. Instead of trying to come between me and my other passions, which will only cause undesirable friction between us, you could either develop interests in them and help me enjoy them more in ways I didn't know I could (which I'd prefer), or you could just let me enjoy them. My attention won't always be on you... Maybe most times, certainly but not ALL the time.

14. Wise up now or show yourself foolish later. Friends or foe, most girls that flirt with me & most guys that do so with you, especially when they're aware we are an item, don't do so because they like me or you better than we like each other (as they attempt to portray). They just don't like us being together and are acting on their envious curiosity to find out what would happen if we weren't. If we both stay conscious of this, our togetherness will have better chances of outliving their 'curiosities.'

15.Establish your priorities, they speak louder than your words. I understand you can have tall ambitions too, and maybe what you desire is to become an astronaut or the Secretary General of the UN. Well I have absolutely no problems with that, and infact will support you fully in all the ways I can, as long as you can consistently and evidently show me that in your heart of hearts, you value our relationship and all we share more than you do your ambitions. Nobody wants to feel like the means to an end; not even you. Ps: I don't need your money to take good care of us, so if your excuse for working such long hours, tight shifts or under manipulative conditions that rob us of precious time is so you can support me by increasing 'our' income, understand now that you've made yourself a slave to an idea you will bring us more sorrow than joy; you especially.

16. Competition with me is just irritating. I'm not one of your girlfriends so please stop trying to impress me with what you can do as well as I can or better than I can. Rather, try impressing me with what you 'can't' do and want me to do for you, expressing trust that I can do it as good as you expect and better than anyone else can. Honestly, you're more attractive to me in your helplessness than you are to me in your strengths and I am more motivated to achieve and please by your reliance than I am by your self sufficiency.

17. Accept it. Yes! My kind are rather possessive with things we cherish. Even as boys we wouldn't let you or anyone else hold our favorite toy unless we really liked you, and even then, not for long. Being best friends with some other guy or flirting with other guy(s) in the name of being "friendly" or having an "existent social life" and expecting us to 'understand' only tells us you're not worth us cherishing. In essence, what we hear is "I can't be your treasured 'toy'." This won't do you any good.

18. Really, I'm not with you because you're the most beautiful woman in the world. I'm with you because I;
a) Like you a lot,
b) Love you,
c) Can live with you a lot more comfortably than I could with 'her', and agree within myself that you satisfy me more than she ever could, or
d) A combination of the three.
There is no "most beautiful woman in then world" that's why we can confidently say you are, and there's no such thing as "I 'can't' live without you."

19. Know this and guard it; I adore the beauty of your sexuality and your expression of it as much as I adore every other trait that makes you you; Nothing plants you and you alone on the grounds of my life wherever you may choose and as firmly as you desire, beyond all possible resistance, as much as when you consciously reserve me the exclusive rights to share, nuture, reveal, explore, partake of, discover and rediscover it with you. Screw around (even once) and we're more screwed than the bolts on the Golden gate bridge - most likely beyond redemption, and should we survive, the scar will remain.

20. It's totally okay to come onto me. Whoever suggested that sexual agressiveness as a man's duty must have been either a lazy wuss or an ignorant bore. As much as you enjoying playing victim to my strong desires for you, every now and then, I do to; and as its really impossible for our passions to flame on at the same time always, you'll find its less frustrating if we just take the initiative when we feel like. Trust me if you feel you're scared of being turned down by me, it's not half as much as I usually am with you. Statistics are in your favour. So go ahead, come have a hug, or steal a kiss, or cuddle with me, or..., when you feel like it instead of waiting for me to decode you.

21. To love and to submit will become our most critical assignments to one another as a couple; for me, to love you (deeper than was put to you in your Mills & Booms'), and for you, to submit to me. These are divine assignments - no easy tasks, but totaly doable and rewarding beyond measure. I understand if you think submission means being subdued and that makes you feel primitive in this mordern times. Its similar to the way I sometimes think loving you means being 'handicapped' in having just you when I could have a harem of beautiful women along with you; which of course makes me feel too 'modern.' God help us both!

22. Believe me, you can hurt me just like I can hurt you. The personal choices we make have a lot to do with whether or not, how often, how much and for how long we do. The standing stereotype of our time says "guys are evil heartbreakers," but truth be told, I'm no more of an evil heartbreaker than you are and no less vulnerable to you as you feel you are to me either.

23 Our relationship is not perfect and for the world, will never be. It is however a standing opportunity with no limitations, for as long as we agree, to make of it what we desire and choose to. I need your support as much as you need mine and someday, if we sustain our efforts, found on friendship, reinforced in love, and roofed in resolve and approved by God, we will find we have built something marvelous and perfect just for us."

Monday, February 16, 2009

Taking chances

Every day comes with the opportunity to be a better person. Have stronger ideals, make wiser choices. Every opportunity comes with a choice to move on up or go slowly down to where anger and regret often consumate. In all of these things, we make right or wrong choices. Sometimes, a right choice might be taking a wrong turn on the pathway leading to anarchy, sometimes, it might be what we all know to be right. But whichever way leads to to the right path, its all about taking chances.

In this world we all reside, everyone's witing to see what every one else is up to doing. I want to blend in so I do not rouse too much interest and consequently critisism. That way, I put less at risk, and unfortunately, lose more. Life is about risks, and like finance, the higher the risk, the higher the potential for returns. So when I try harder and reach farther than I have seen anyone reach, I look like I am puttin more of the little I have at risk. But the truth is, when I risk all, I have less than all to lose.

So, taking chances, on life, on love, on God. What is it that if you had the wherewithal for security, you would go for? If life offered you a coushin for all your falls, what are the things you will try as many times as possible till you got it right? Those are the things your heart trully desires. those are the things you were made for. I can tell you mine.

I want to reach the world with my gifts. A song, a poem, a lyric, a verse. I want to be the best anlyst in my generation. I want to come up with practical workable solutions to the economic problems in Africa. I want to have a vibrant ministry, touch lives withthe same hands that touched mine. I want to reach the sick in heart and spirit, help the one who feels hopeless. Be a voice to him that cannot speak, for fear or worse, for the loss of the ability to voice opinion, help him find his own voice that he may so do for others. I want to fall in love. Hard and string and forever. I want to have a family that loves me as I try to love them more each day.I want to love passioantely and fiercely, and if it means wearing my heart on trimmed sleeves, I will.

Take a chance. Carpe diem!

Growing up

Have u ever been told to (look up, nah! up there!!)? yes? I guessed! At some point in everyone's life, someone on the outside thinks you are immature. You should grow up. Try acting your age. Stop behaving like a kid...

Like every other experience in life, you always have two options. To react or to rise above and just simply act. While it takes a lot of effort to be the person in the latter picture, the bliss or the impulsive recourse to the former is only fleeting. So you get angry and pout. And it doesnt end there, you make firm declarations... "I will never...; If I ever... They will see, I will..." andfinally you block your mind from other options. When you take the stand to be against any tide, it will be hard for you to flow. Either good or bad, stands signify and end of the evolvement of a process. When you firmly decide, you have put your feet on a chosen path. hat happens next may not be up to you. Think about that.

In the alternative, you may decide to accept whatever is said about you. Okay, so they said... and you chose to accept it. What I fault in this reasoning is the ability of another person to be accurate about an opinion of you. No one can really know you nor fully understand your intentions. While you can be sure that people who see you from the outside see you better, you can also be sure that opinions formed on what is seen is subject to the expressions of their preferences, flaws and mixed intentions. So, I would not say such opinions are a reasonable conclusion as to your person.

So what to do? You cannot trust them and you cannot rely on yourself alone. SO I say, go for a mix! Take their words with a pinch of salt, mix it with your self made broth... just a bit, for taste. And serve yourself, a meal of honesty. Be true to yourself and you will definitely come up with the closest to accurate picture of where you stand.

Note this: whatever formulae you arrive at, you will be needing the help of the One who knows you best. No matter how pretty your picture loks, only one person can help you reach the fullness of who you are meant to be. So, now you got a balance of opinions, strive for the real deal. Ask Jesus to help you, comfort, strenghten and keep you. He is more than willing to aid you. He will carry you through and over till you are screaming with delirious delight from the top!

Loves to ya!