Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Window view...

Here I am sitting by my window, watching the world go by. Not my world. That seems to be at a stand still. I'm holding my breath, counting the heart beats. I'm waiting on you. To help me be me. To be strong and stand still. I'm waiting on you to hold me, rock me, gently. I wishing that you would come in, quietly. Knock me out of this reverie, locked around you...

I'm waiting on dreams to come true. I'm waiting on time to be true. Keep your word to me, let this heal slowly. Run me right through it so it fades. Make it go gently, it's the pain I hate! I'm waiting on serendipity. To drop love like fresh cherries, on my laps. I am waiting for strenght and bold resilence, to fear no fool or fight with one. I am waiting for miracles to happen. Suddenly, it's all gone and I'm complete. The ache has disappeared, and now you're with me... I'm waiting on Providence. Good luck! Wished horse!! Sweet essence!!! I'm waiting on life's best things, to happen. To me, easily. I'm waiting on trust to come, wipe the frown and knock me down! I'm waiting for hope to rise, above the tides, sweep me into the skies. I'm waiting on dreams and such. Wistful thought of since I was small

I'm waiting with arms crossed over, eyes looking yonder, face set grim. I'm waiting becuase it seems, I wont cave in when then I would. I wait and hope and pray that thoughts of today will not huant me again. I'm waiting cos I believe in you, You who always makes dreams come true.

And if what I wait for seems not clear, let me just resound it right here. I am waiting to fall in love, cos suddenly, that's what my whole life's about! I do not want this to pass, been there (close enough) that that and that. And this time I want to do it again, right, for sure, secure and all. And thanks to downtheaisle and all you lovey doveys around, the bug I caught now is out. And I'm going to wait this one out!!!


Original Mgbeke said...

Awwww, this is very nice and well written. I hope that 'it' finds you too. :-)

downtheaisle said...

babe,you deserve to love all over again.Trust me,that kind of love you desire will definitely find you again and this time you won't just be close enough to it,u'll have it just specially created for u....forever!

lil' spider said...

@ downtheaisle - *sniff* (for real!) thanks for the ups! i know, i know... jus th raging hormones, u know. needed the release actually so took to ole faithful! lol! "Lord. I pray for patience, and the heart to trust you all the way for my all-the-way miracle"

@ OM, tans, tans, i dey try jare. lol *sniff*, i *sniff* dey try *sniff* *sniff* small small *sob*...!!

Anonymous said...

....nothing beats waiting it out in faith.

lil' spider said...

yeah... i know... thats d discipline, the faih part. but patience will have her PERFECT work this time. and i will be complete. thats a promise!

Yankeenaijababe said...

Well written and to the point...I love. I am part of ur blog now and u see me here more often.

Love will find you , enjoy ur life and it will find you. There might be a reason or lesson to discover about urself now. Don't worry about Love, trust me ...I know that feeling

Anonymous said...

wow..... the joys of waiting only become obvious when the thing waited for is finally in had.. it often doesn't look like its worthwhile during the wait, but after all that, it seems so much like it was the only thing to do! keep holding up...

lil' spider said...

@ Danny- wat took u so long??? }:

@ yankeenaijababe - tans, tans, love ur blog too! didnt try the lemons sha... busier weekend! yeah, i gess, the wait is the hardest part. but, now, am confident that i hav nothing to worry abt. i have a great life and an even greater life ahead. thanks for the support. appreciate it!