Friday, March 6, 2009

am thinking, aye...

What technology has done for us.

Here I am at 8.00 pm in front of my computer, bonding with people i might never see. maybe in real life, we do not even greet. for all i know, you could be that colleague of mine at work that drives me nuts!! but here, in this virtual world of make believe reality, you are my friend. you are there to hear me scream "that's a foul!" and comfort me. you appreciate my efforts at articulation and now, you award me for it! (nope. i wasn't nominated... newbie...??) you are my friend, without the masks and the shameless charade. i do not need to impress you, you see beyond what i may or may not be wearing. you see into the part of me that only words so deep can tell. you are the one that hears my whisper in the din of railing voices. you are the one with whom i share the passion to speak my mind, voice out the demons and kill 'em!

its amazing how easy it is to be friends when there are virtual walls between us. the ease with which i connect with you is majorly because i do not see you. you do not size me up. i do not asses you. i have no say on your preferences or choices, you do not judge me. we can only laugh at our silly idiosyncrasies, pick a few lessons and keep on being who we are! its just amazing!!

i wonder why live friendships cant be like that. why do i have to rate you before i place you on any cadre of relationships? why must you look like "it" talk like "it", sound like "it" to be "it" for me? cant you just be you and me be me and we learn from each other independently? i know its harder when the walls are broken. attitudes rub off and principles soon become shared. but beyond our quest for self preservation and adamant independence, cant we still just be friends?


Anonymous said...

Maybe real life friends are under the pressure to perform, to deliver a product, while online ones are just themselves.. and have th eluxury of looking at stuff from the vantage point of detachment.....

downtheaisle said...

This virtual world for those of us in blogville is like our own sanctuary where we can be just who we are really, enjoy the dramas of our lives without being questioned or judged.thanks to technology!

Anonymous said... thots.
very well said.

lil' spider said...

@ downtheaisle - i agree, but also think the virtual world is teaching us something, rather than excusing our hard worn habit. dont judge a book by its cover. find points of interest and try to ignore the areas of conflict. try being urself for a change and not the self preseverving, insecure child. the lessons go on and on. ofcourse, am all for playig safe, afterall, survival instinct is... well, the stronger! but in the end, life is abt the pple u meet and wat u leave them with. blogging jus makes that easy, aye? wrong! blogging gives that meaning cos we hav drowned the real meaning in real life with our many issues! lets jus find a balance and make the real world as qualitative, where relationships are concerened, lik d virtual world.
reminds me of the Neyo video i watche for the first time yesterday.. this his song abt fighting for nothing....
Danny, i agree, its an eluxury alrite... how sad.